The Whee! Way - Pursue Joy
Pursue Joy. At Whee! "Joy" is a deep, abiding sense of rightness and good. Some might call it the "call of the Universe" or the "whisper of God." Joy is fundamental to the Whee! Way because the energy for lasting, meaningful change comes from outside of ourselves. We must be compelled by Joy.
Before I believed in Joy I tried to grit my teeth and contort myself into the person I wanted to be. This works if you are satisfied with a bizarro facsimile and are willing to erode your sanity. Not recommended.
Pursuing Joy means that change is fundamentally a *discernment* process, not a *discipline* process. It is more about courage and faith versus strength of will.
Fundamentally, the challenge is: "Do you believe in Joy and are you willing to risk to pursue it?"
Let's tackle this challenge together!